Global Alignment

Understand our commitment to the UNGC

As a 2011 signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), we support the UNGC's Ten Principles – which cover human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption – as well as the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We work to align our corporate policies, procedures and guidance documents with the Ten Principles, which we see as complementary to our own business values and goals, and strive to incorporate the SDGs in our product planning to progress Huntsman's contribution to a more sustainable society.

View Huntsman's UNGC Communication on Progress 2020 (PDF)

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations has a sustainable development agenda for 2030 that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets supporting those goals. We believe the chemical industry has a key role to play in progressing the SDGs and creating solutions for a sustainable future.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Response

Our commitment to enrich lives and help create a sustainable future, while doing no harm to people or the environment, is well aligned with CDP’s vision and mission "to see a thriving economy that works for people and planet in the long term." With hundreds of investors and trillions of assets represented, we recognize the strong desire from the investor community for companies to disclose through CDP. 

Since 2019, Huntsman has participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and submits its response to CDP’s comprehensive climate change questionnaire. CDP awarded Huntsman a B score for its 2023 Climate disclosure. Huntsman submitted to Water Security for the first time in 2023 and was awarded a B-. For more information, visit

View Huntsman’s 2023 Climate Response View Huntsman’s 2023 Water Security Response

ISO Certifications

We track the certification status of our global sites. These include manufacturing sites, R&D technology centers, quality testing labs, corporate offices and certain joint ventures. As of June 2019, more than 77 percent of these locations were recognized by compliance authorities for their health and safety, supply chain credibility and quality.

These authorities are:

  • International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001 or 9001
  • British Standards Institute’s Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Specification (OHSAS)
  • Automotive and aerospace industry quality certifications
Certification # of sites Sites % of sites
ISO 14001 24 56 43%
ISO 9001 69 94 73%
OHSAS 18001 8 56 14%
ISO certification (all types) 71 94 76%
All certifications 72 94 77%

Huntsman partners with certain third-party organizations to help advance our sustainability goals.

What is REDcert2

Since 2018, REDcert2 recognizes the efforts of participants in the chemical industry to reduce greenhouse gases and conserve fossil-based resources in favor of sustainably produced and certified biomass. Learn more at